Your Partner in Business
with our clients to deliver Results & Value
26 Years of Retail Consulting
Expertise & Experience working with the
7 Components for Achieving Business Success
Category Management Best Practices Global Expertise & Experience with Clients
Next Generation Store Design - Destination Solution Centers - Click & Brick
Strategic Category Business Plans Completed Over 1000 Category Plans Globally
Targeted Shoppers Marketing Cluster Marketing - Centers of Excellence - Multi Formats by Shoppers
Strategic Competitive Business Advantages We Create & Produce Winning Results
Developing Successful People Using the 7 Steps Achieving Life & Career Success to Create Winners
7 Components for Achieving Business Success
1. Strategic Vision
Define 3 to 5 Year Vision, Goals, Strategies, Action Steps
2. Marketing Strategy
Targeted Go to Marketing Strategy & Image with Tactical
3. Best Practices
Thinking Differently. Challenge Current Process Maps & Inefficiencies
4. Innovation & Change
Define How to Beat Competitors with Strategic Thinking & Tactical Action
5. Strategic Competitive Advantages
Create “Centers of Excellence” to Change the Status Qui & Create New Products, Services & Images
6. People & Culture
Create New Positive People & Culture Focused on Producing Success
7. Tactical Implementation
Success is Achieving Implementation of Each Tactical Action
“We needed to solve the problem of “Problem Solving”. In the manufacturing environment, over time, problems repeat themselves. Employee’s continue to turnover, so, when the problem comes up, and the new people are seeing it for the first time, the approach to solving it were all over the board.
When we interviewed Dennis for the job, he was very detailed, and had a very strong grasp of his material. His resume and client list was impressive. We could tell that he would be able to reach our employees due to his approach.
Dennis was able to have our employees first examine themselves and determine the types of thinkers they were. He introduced to them six different ways of thinking. The approach helped the employee to understand how they themselves thought. This enabled them to see also other ways of thinking and how to best approach the problem using a mix of all ideas.
It was a very good experience; the employees need to be open minded to accept change. I would recommend this seminar to others because we need forward thinkers as time goes on. If you stand pat, your company will not realize its full potential in their number one resource…..its people!”
Salvatore A. Bonfante
Human Resources Manager
Lactalis American Group
“We have collaborated with Dennis at Casa Ley for the last 13 years, mostly on the Business Field with outstanding results. Finally, 4 years ago the collaboration expanded to Dennis’s “Achieving Life and Career Success” Seminar, exceeding all the expectations we had.
Directors, Managers and Middle Management have experienced it with great results in both their work, but mainly on their personal lives, being this a driver for success at Casa Ley.
Personally, it has been a pleasure to work with a person like Dennis. He is not an “academic” he is a full practitioner of all the concepts he shares in his seminars.”
Olga Esthela Quiroz Ruiz,
Director of Merchandising,
Casa Ley
“We work with Dennis Sobotka and his Life and Career Success Seminar for about 4 years, always with great results. These workshops really helped our people to develop their team and individual skills, by building their own Ten Years Life & Career Plans using new tools and methods learned during the seminars.
Our people started to use these new tools in their jobs with great results. We receive a lot of feedback from the people who took the Seminar with Dennis, in which they told us that the new knowledge acquired help them on their jobs, but also on their personal life. And we believe that when an employee improves their personal and family life that have a positive impact on their job tasks.
Casa Ley is very thankful to Dennis for his commitment with our cause, professionalism and to give our people a wider horizon, sharing new tools to improve their way of thinking.”
Cecilia Bracamontes Ley,
Director of Human Resources,
Casa Ley